I 806237
本發明針對複數個自主式移動機器人於狹處相逢時,因自主決定的避障路徑容易重複發生衝突,導致需要花費更多的時間才能通過狹處之問題,提出一個控制系統與方法。該系統與方法會替上述該複數個機器人各自創建一暫時的禁止進入區域(本發明稱之為虛擬障礙物),以供其他的機器人經由該區域來通過狹處,因而解決導航路徑衝突之問題,達到複數個自主式移動機器可以同時通過狹處之效果。 The proposed invention shows a control system and method of solving path planning conflict situations for a plurality of autonomous mobile robots passing through narrow areas, such as corridors, doorway, and passage. In such areas, the robots are likely to collide with each other repeatedly. To address the problem, the invention creates different temporary prohibition areas, which are termed virtual obstacles in our invention, for the robots. The prohibition area specific for one robot prevents the robot to enter it but it is invisible for other robots. Hence, we utilize the virtual obstacles to adjust the paths of the robots to simultaneously pass through a narrow area with a width slightly wider than the sum of the widths of the robots.
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主辦單位:國家科學及技術委員會 執行單位:台灣經濟研究院 網站維護:台灣經濟研究院