本發明係提供一種晶片式微流體三維粒子聚焦及偵測裝置,該 裝置利用流體力(hydrodynamic force)以及介電泳力 (dieletrophoretic force)之作用,使微粒子得以流動在微 管道之中央,以增加後續偵測之準確性。本發明之晶片乃先在 基板上製作出提供流體流動之微管道,包括樣品流管道以及邊 鞘流管道,對樣品流中之粒子進行二維之流體聚焦,並在微管 道中製作微型電極,以提供介電泳力進行第三維之粒子聚焦。 本發明可應用於各種微粒子如:細胞、血球等之計數檢測、判 別、測速、分類等測量。 This invention reports a micro flow cytometer with innovative 3-dimensional focusing function that can focus cells in the center of sample stream, resulting in a high-precision cell counting. A novel method is used to focus the cells 3-dimensionally using the combination of hydrodynamic forces and dielectrophoretic forces. Focusing of the sample flow is a critical issue for micro flow cytometers while counting the particles/cells using a buried optical waveguide. Appreciable errors could occur if the particles are randomly distributed vertically even though they have been focused horizontally. In this paper, a 3-D focusing flow cytometer was demonstrated using MEMS fabrication techniques. Three major modules have been integrated on glass substrates to form the microfluidic device, including a hydrodynamically- driven flow cytometer, microelectrode arrays for dielectrophoretic forces and etched optical fibers for on-line cell detection.
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