I 773159
隨著人口結構年齡老年化日趨嚴重,個人化醫療的需求日益受到重視。加以近日流感疾病屢屢肆虐全球、食安與環汙問題層出不窮,微流體技術在細菌、有毒化學物以及細菌檢測方面的應用更是備受重視。微流體技術主要應用,就是生醫晶片的產品製作,其只需微量的檢體及試劑,便可進行高通量(high-throughput)的生化檢測。其應用可以從現在已有的生化檢測、遠距及長照的疾病檢測、實驗室等級的分子檢測;正在研發的早期癌症檢測、藥物開發;以至於未來的基因等級之個人化醫療等應用。其市場價值會從現在的20 億美金,預估成長到2020 年的60 億美金。 台灣在半導體代工廠的表現,為世界第一級表現,幾個重要的代工廠如台積電及聯電,都為台灣帶來不少的財富。生醫晶片代工,為現階段重要的機會,以台灣現在的各項能力,應該可以創造出如電子產業般的生醫晶片代工一條龍產業,為台灣再次帶來更多的商機。 為了達到上述目標,本計畫將結合產(錸德科技)學(清華大學)醫(榮總及長庚)三方的合作,以二個技術已成熟的生醫晶片(精子篩選晶片,以及癌細胞篩選晶片)為主,試著以錸德科技為中心,建立生醫晶片代工廠製程的建立,以商品化量產為目標,並利用醫院的臨床驗證,以確認產品的實用性及可行性。未來希望可以強化代工廠的能力,將市場擴大到全台灣,以至於全世界,讓大家再次看到台灣在代工廠的強大實力。 The increase in global ageing population has led the healthcare industry into personalized medicine. In the meantime, recent outbreak of influenza, food safety scandal and environmental pollution sharply enlarge the need for tests dedicated to virus, poisonous chemicals, and bacteria detection. One key technique, as a result, is the microfluidic chip or so called bio-chip, which only uses a small amount of chemical reagents for rapid, high-throughput diagnostics and point-of-care applications. In view of its importance and potential commercialization opportunity in biomedical fields and biotechnology, the roadmap would be from current applications (decentralization and automation of simple tests, long distance and time consuming diagnostics, and molecular diagnostics), well-be applications (Early cancer diagnostics and drug resistance tests), up to the future applications (DNA sequencing in doctor’s office or home genetic testing, and personal medicine). The market would be from US$2B to US$6B in 2020. The semiconductor foundries, like TSMC or UMC, are no. 1 in the world, that became a very important industry at Taiwan. One of potential opportunity, biochip foundry service, could make another big jump if the serial manufacture line can be build and developed. The goal of this proposal is going to combine Ritek from industry, National Tsing Hua University from academic, and Chang-Gung Hospital at Linko and Veteran Hospital at Taipei, for the development of biochip foundry service. Two mature biochips, sperm separation chip and cancer cells filtration chip, would be used for the models to test the developed serial manufacture line. With the help from academic, the mass production can be achieved by Ritek. The clinical test must be done by hospitals in order to learn how to obtain FDA approval. Once the manufacture line can be built, the biochip foundry service would not service at Taiwan, but also attract more business from the world.
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主辦單位:國家科學及技術委員會 執行單位:台灣經濟研究院 網站維護:台灣經濟研究院