I 776299
台灣蛋雞產業,面臨資金、技術、人力、食安、熱緊迫與病原菌等問題。大小養雞業者仍有 一些關鍵性技術缺口包括:雞舍環境化學物質與病原菌監測、生理數據自動感測監控與雞蛋 產出最佳化、各項智能機械裝置與物聯網整合、無抗生素防治病原菌疾病與提升蛋雞健康 等。本發明將發展蛋雞智慧化飼養技術,藉由建立蛋雞生產管理、雞隻生理監控、環境與病 原菌監控、蛋雞健康與 病原菌防治等自動化智能機械裝置,導入互聯網技術,建立巨量資 料儲存、分析、數位化與人工智慧,希望達到產業鏈智慧化目標,提高使用本系統的附加價 值與應用性。本發明是整合現存設備,開發新設備與技術,串連硬體與遠端遙控軟體,達到 蛋雞飼養與產蛋設備數位化與智能化;包括蛋雞場環境數據(環境化學物質與病原菌)感測 與監控、蛋雞生理數據自動感測監控與雞蛋產出最佳化、開發智能裝置與人工智慧物聯網和 巨量資料儲存、分析與數位化。本發明將透過智慧科技應用於蛋雞產業,達到產業鏈智慧化 目標。 In Taiwan, layer industry is facing multiple challenges and some key technical needs, including monitoring of ambient harmful chemicals and bacteria, automatic sensing and surveillance in layers, chicken manure recycling and reuse, layer health improvement and antibiotic-free zoonotic prevention, artificial intelligence and internet of things (AIoT), and big data storage, analysis and digitalization, etc. in chicken houses, are still not met. The invention aims at developing artificial intelligence for layer production by integrating smart layer production and management, monitoring of harmful chemicals and bacteria, monitoring of layer health indices, antibiotic-free zoonotic prevention and health improvement in layers, research and development of AIoT and big data management and digitalization. The resulting artificial intelligence system for layer production can function alone or in combination with existing automated equipments. This invention covers 1) sampling, sensing and monitoring of harmful chemicals and zoonotic bacteria in chicken houses; 2) automatic sensing and surveillance for physiological research and egg production in layers; 3) application of intelligent remote control and internet of things in layers; and 4) big data storage, analysis and digitalization.
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主辦單位:國家科學及技術委員會 執行單位:台灣經濟研究院 網站維護:台灣經濟研究院