I 814260
本發明為一種陸海空三用之無人機載具,以一台四軸無人機為主體,在機身上面加裝兩個自行設計的固定座,其固定座的目的是可以裝軸承,再以一根碳纖維棒作為導柱而兩端則裝上輪子,使載具能利用輪子在地面、牆壁、天花板等地方移動。本發明為了能適應更多地形,因此也在機身下方加裝了支架座,其可以裝上浮力棒而使載具能夠停留在水面或海面。本發明的輪子和浮力棒皆可快速拆卸與安裝,可以視要求改變載具的樣態來進行任務。This invention is focused on a special unmanned vehicle which could walk on land, float on the sea, and fly in the sky. Two retaining bracket are installed on the body of the vehicle which could embed with bearing. There is a carbon fiber rod is used as a leader pin which could be put wheels on both ends. Furthermore, the vehicle could walk on the road, and crawl on the wall or the ceiling by the wheels. The reason why the vehicle was invented is that we would like to increase the function of the vehicle which adapts rough terrain or keeps afloat. Hence, there are landing gear below the body of the vehicle which could be used to installed buoyancy rod. The equipment of the invention is quick-release so that the vehicle can be changed easily and used in different mission.
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