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I 752576



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中文技術說明:保育豬為離乳至56日齡前、體重介於6~20 kg之間,其適合的溫度範圍為25~30℃,初期離乳的保育豬腸道發育未完全,若處於冷緊迫的環境,豬隻容易出現生長緩慢、下痢、傳染性腸胃炎等異狀,尤其以離乳後首5日最重要,應提供通風且穩定的30℃睡眠溫度。本研究目的旨在發展保育豬舍環境監控系統,以物聯網(IoT)架構進行系統建構,利用微控制器連結環境感測器進行擷取環境資訊,包含溫度、濕度、氨氣與風速等環境參數,透過WiFi通訊技術將數值傳輸至遠端伺服器,使用者可利用手機APP或網頁(Web)方式隨時監控保育豬舍。現場端以PLC可程式控制器偵測環境感測器之數值,自動偵測環境變化並進行相對應的控制策略,可控制設備包含水濂、抽風扇、側捲簾、內循環風扇及保溫燈等,本試驗場域於台灣宜蘭縣宜陽牧場的保育豬舍。本研究針對使用者於遠端中控系統下達控制指令至PLC控制器間溝通之探討,測試資料雙向傳遞準確性、發送及反應時間。經由溝通測試結果,中控系統可有效達到遠端控制保育豬舍的設備。並建立穩定且快速的雙向通訊技術,即時顯示飼養狀況於行動載具的APP與網頁介面上,並上傳於保育豬舍環境資料庫進行統計與分析。未來結合大數據運算與分析,持續收集保育豬舍環境參數,提供保育豬養殖參數之用,可達到提升保育豬舍環境品質且降低疫病發生之目的。 技術說明英文:This study aimed to develop an environmental monitoring and control system for pig nurseries by using an Internet of Things framework. In the system, environmental data, namely temperature, humidity, ammonia content, and wind speed, were collected using a microcontroller connected with environmental sensors; the collected data were transmitted to a remote server through WiFi. The system enabled users to monitor and control their nurseries at any time through mobile or web applications. At the site of the research farm, a programmable logic controller (PLC) was used to collect data from environmental sensors, detect environmental changes, and apply corresponding control strategies. Devices used in the strategies included wet pads, exhaust fans, roll-up curtains, and circulation fans. This study examined processes in which the user sends control commands from a remote control center to a PLC, and those commands are communicated to other devices. Such processes can be measured to test the accuracy, delivery time, and response time of bilateral transmission. The communication test results showed that the central control system could control devices in the nursery effectively and remotely. Specifically, the average time required for the microcontroller to control, through a single point of control, the PLC was 3.34 ± 0.02 seconds; the success rate of PLC feedback to the microcontroller was 100%; and the success rate of the bilateral communication between the server and microcontroller was 100%. All of these results indicated highly stable transmission of signals in this system. The stable and instant bilateral communication facilitated the presentation of real-time nursery environmental conditions on mobile and web applications; furthermore, the environmental data were uploaded to a database for future statistical analyses. Future studies may incorporate Big Data computing and analysis into their research and continue collecting more environmental data from pig nurseries to provide more comprehensive recommendations for pig farmers, increase the quality of nursery environments, and decrease the onsets of diseases.


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