I 795620
本發明旨在提供一種偵測心房顫動解決方案,生物訊號量測系統以OLED以及OPD作為感測元件,也包含微處理器、無線收發裝置以及電源(電池),此系統以柔性基材實現,如貼片一般能夠服貼在人體皮膚表面上,但其材質將不具刺激性,現今PPG系統多如牛毛,但此系統能夠在數量有限的感測元件中實現心房顫動的量測,克服人體運動狀態產生之運動偽影或環境產生之雜訊干擾。 This invention is aimed to provide a flexible OLED-OPD sensor patch that can overcome the motion artifacts and non irritative material for comfortable wearing. It may be used to measure longtime PPG signal with different wavelength like red and near IR (infra-red). The OLED-OPD patch combined with 4 OLEDs of red light source, 4 OLEDs of near IR light source and 8 OPDs. The above OLED-OPD sensors is a reflective device, distance D is the distance between each OLED-OPD pair as mounted on the patch. The emitted light penetrating the skin and each detectors measuring the intensity of the light. The multiple OLED-OPD pairs are fixed circumferentially around the inner side of the flexible patch. Analyzing the long term PPG signal for cardiac arrhythmia like AF. PPG signal to detect peak-to-peak pulse points. Then to determine cardiac pulse dynamics and then analyze the presence of AF. The process can be done as said above by the 11-state Markove model. The analyzed signal further transfers to a device such as smartphone or PC or tablet by the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
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