關鍵詞:冷卻器、非共沸冷媒、電子式膨脹閥、熱氣旁通 工具機械冷卻器﹙cooler﹚是提供工具機及產業機械之冷卻 油 ﹙或水﹚以避免主軸偏位而影響加工精度之最佳溫度控制方 案,隨著工具機及產業機械走向精密化、穩定化、高速化及 對 精度要求不斷提高,即使數值控制機械﹙NC﹚,亦必須仰賴 適 當地冷卻來控制精密加工所產生之溫升;然而,在1996年後 氟 氯碳﹙CFC﹚冷媒全面禁用及為因應世界各先進國對氫氟氯 碳 ﹙HCFC﹚冷媒管制之趨勢,全面使用氫氟碳﹙HFC﹚新環保 冷 媒於工業冷卻器勢在必行。 在眾多無臭氧層破壞潛力之新冷媒中,R-404A、R-407C與R- 410A為較公認可以在工業冷卻器方面取代R-22的替代新冷 媒。 然而,其皆屬非共沸(Non-azeotropic)冷媒,具溫度滑移 (Temperature glide)與成份變動(Composition shift)之特 性,因此在系統運轉性能、系統充填冷媒或組裝維修階段之 洩 漏等問題上皆與純質冷媒有所不同。因此,本計劃擬探討工 業 冷卻器換裝非共沸冷媒之相變化過程溫度滑移現象對熱交換 器 性能之影響,同時也將針對換裝環保新冷媒後組成變動及相 關 運轉參數對系統性能之影響變化作研究分析,據以設計出系 統 中最佳之熱交換器及各零組件。並將設計開發使用PID控制 器 及熱氣旁通(hot-gas by-pass)搭配電子式膨脹閥以達更精 確 溫度控制且經濟可行之工業冷卻器系統,最後,經由電腦模 擬 與系統現場組裝測試的交互改善而設計出一全新的恆溫環保 冷 媒工業冷卻器,使新系統不僅與新非共沸混合冷媒相容外, 亦 將提供精密加工機械冷卻時長期且最精確之溫度控制。 Machine tools and other industrial machinery with more accurate, stable and advancing the precision of the working piece can not be developed, even though they are equipped with numerical control, without the accurate control of the temperature rise by appropriate cooling. However, following the successful termination of CFC production in 1996, the machine coolers are facing the compressed schedule to phase out the HCFC refrigerant. The non-azeotropic refrigerant exists a temperature glide during phase change and composition shift during leakage. In this study, the proper components and system designs of refrigeration systems using PID controller with hot-gas by-pass and electronic expansion valve for accurate temperature control will be proposed. The purpose of this study is to complete a brand new system, through the interaction of computer simulation and actual field test. The refrigeration system is not only directly compatible with new non-CFC refrigerant, but can also perform a permanent and precise temperature control specific for industrial machines.
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