US 11,566,990
Derivatives of Spectral Aerosol Optical Depth for Partitioning Type and Loading
由衛載遙測或地面觀測資料在量化氣膠(大氣懸浮微粒)之組成仍是一項挑戰, 本研究基於氣膠之多頻譜光學厚度, 經正規化之一階與二階微分所推導之粒徑大小與折射指數, 進行其主要成份之量化率定。首先根據各種類氣膠(沙塵、生質燃燒及人為污染物)之光學特性參數,應用輻射理論(Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum, 6S model)模擬多頻譜在各濃度之光學厚度, 包含種類間之混合狀態, 藉由本研究所建構之正規化氣膠指數(Normalized Derivative Aerosol Index, NDAI)推算各類型氣膠之本質參數(intrinsic parameters), 種類間清楚的特性差異可提供氣膠主要成份及其混合比之計算。由理論所推導各類氣膠之正規化指數(NDAI)之模擬結果與地面實測資料(AERONET)相當吻合, 顯示本研究所建構之正規化氣膠指數(NDAI)在大氣氣膠之主要成份之量化率定具相當之可行性。 Quantifying aerosol compositions (e.g., type, loading) from remotely sensed measurements by spaceborne, suborbital and ground-based platforms is a challenging task. In this study, the first and second-order spectral derivatives of aerosol optical depth (AOD) with respect to wavelength are explored to determine the partitions of the major components of aerosols based on the spectral dependence of their particle optical size and complex refractive index. With theoretical simulations from the 6S (Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum) model, AOD spectral derivatives are characterized for collective models of aerosol types, such as mineral dust (DS) particles, biomass-burning (BB) aerosols and anthropogenic pollutants (AP), as well as stretching out to the mixtures among them. Based on the intrinsic values from normalized spectral derivatives, referenced as the Normalized Derivative Aerosol Index (NDAI), a unique pattern is clearly exhibited for bounding the major aerosol components in turn, fractions of the total AOD (fAOD) for major aerosol components can be extracted. The subtlety of this NDAI method is examined by using measurements of typical aerosol cases identified carefully by the ground-based AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) sun–sky spectroradiometer. The results may be highly practicable for quantifying fAOD among mixed-type aerosols by means of the normalized AOD spectral derivatives.
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