I 798705
專利名稱: 無網路支援下於手持式裝置運行醫學圖庫含標示與解說及客製化學習功能 市場及需求: 針對所有學習醫學影像相關的學生提供創新之學習模式。 技術摘要(含成果): 無網路支援下於手持式裝置運行醫學圖庫含標示與解說及客製化學習功能 優勢: 1.與傳統圖書相比,利用手持式裝置進行醫學影像教育,具高便利型,且手持式裝置亦可提供圖書無法提供之特定程式功能。 2.技轉後出版廠商無須為此app 建置伺服器,相較目前市面上其他app,出版此app之廠商無維持伺服器所需花費及相關資訊人力成本與伺服器架設成本 競爭產品: 國外之相關app則功能尚未完備且皆須有網路支援與伺服器之建置。 專利現況: 於國內僅有圖書尚無類似的產品。 Title: Executing medical image database with labeling, explanation and customized function in the mobile electronic device without the internet supporting Market Needs: Any student need to learn medical image through mobile electronic device Our Technology: Executing medical image database with labeling, explanation and customized function in the mobile electronic device without the internet supporting Strength: 1. Establishing medical image education system in the mobile electronic device is more convenience than book. In addition, the mobile electronic device can provide unique functions. 2. This medical education app can work without server and internet supporting. It can cut huge costs for publisher. Competing Products: In global country, the similar apps need server and internet supporting. Intellectual Properties: In Taiwan, there is no similar product.
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主辦單位:國家科學及技術委員會 執行單位:台灣經濟研究院 網站維護:台灣經濟研究院